…what a fucking pathetic piece of shit our country is… we went from front runners for civil rights movement of 60-70s to politically passive and finally politically impaired people, NAZIS taking our country state by state and school district by school district WITHOUT ANY RESISTANCE and only NAZIS on the march while democrats applauding Biden and waiting for a “blue wave”, we can’t just live in a democracy from election to election we have to sustain its progress, there’s no such thing as “status quo” in political climate, shit either goes “up” or “down” and we are in a such a deep hole that only delusional people can think elections alone can fix the country


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Thank you , again Harold.

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This is exactly the banter that nauseated me. Thank you again -Brown and Sotomyer ..and why I shut it off. Though I love a good debate …banter defines the principle.

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